You are His Delight

You are remembered and loved even if we can’t be together in person. Ladies of Grace will send this weekly devotional letter to be posted in the facility as a way to stay connected. We will share excerpts from the Crown of Beauty study with you along with questions for application and a prayer that we are praying over you each week.  So, let’s get started!

You are God’s delight and no matter what names you’ve been called in the past, He has a new name for you because He delights in you!  Have you ever thought about that?  It is a fact!  You are the object of God’s joy.  He not only desires that we spend time with Him in prayer and reading His Word for our benefit but He is excited to be with us and He even sings over us! 

“The Lord your God is with you; He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

In the original Hebrew language, the phrase ”rejoice over” has two meanings or ideas 1) God is cheering for you in delight and 2) God is composing a love song that He chooses to sing over you. He sings it with your new name.  Some of the wonderful names he has for you are: His beloved; His chosen bride; the garden of His delight; His cherished vineyard and many more.  Let’s think about this together …

  1. What picture to you get in your mind as you imagine the Lord loving you in the way spoken of in Zephaniah 3:17?

  2. What beautiful name from the list above or others in scripture might God be trying to give you?  Will you accept it?  Why or why not?

  3. Pray and ask God to share the name He has for you and is now singing over you.

“Dear Lord, we thank you for your presence with us and your desire to delight in us.  You love us so much and it is your loving kindness that leads us to repentance and a relationship with you through Jesus.  Thank you for giving us a new name.  Let your word and your truth sink deeply into our hearts and minds as we place our trust in you alone.”
In Jesus name Amen.

You are loved,
Ladies of Grace Ministry Team