Jesus is Our Lord

When approaching Easter (amid Coronavirus uncertainties) may we focus on a single certainty. No church or denomination or any group of people saves. The One and Only Lord, God, Father, Creator -- JESUS -- redeems and keeps us. Here are a few scriptures to encourage you.

There is salvation through nothing else.  God has given no other name, under heaven, by which we may be saved.”  —Acts 4:12

“If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”  “The Father and I are ONE.” (Jesus)  
—John 14:9; John 10:30

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.  I am able to give to them eternal life and they will never perish.  No one can snatch them away from ME.” (Jesus) —John 10: 27-28

Jesus said to the paralyzed man, ‘My child, your sins are forgiven.’  But some of the teachers of religious law who were sitting there thought to themselves, ‘What is he saying?  This is blasphemy.  Only God can forgive sins!’” —Mark 2: 5-7

“The Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill Jesus.  For he not only broke the Sabbath, he called God his Father thereby making himself EQUAL to God.”  —John 5:18      

“In the beginning was the Word.  The Word was with God and the Word was God.  He existed in the beginning with God.  All things were made by Him and nothing was created except by Him.  The Word gave life to everything that was created and HIS life brought light to everyone … The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  He made His home with us.  He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness … No one has seen God at any time.  But the Chosen One, who is Himself God, is near to the Father’s heart.  This Chosen One has revealed God to us.”  —John 1: 1-4; 14; 16-18

“Nothing can separate us from the love of God which has been revealed in the flesh through Christ Jesus our Lord.”  —Romans 8:39

“Dear Lord, we thank you that during this season, we can be sure that you exist and that nothing can separate us from your love.  Help us to grow in faith and hope which is founded on you, Jesus.  We thank you that you have given us your word of truth.  Protect and encourage each of these dear women and lead them to life eternal.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

You are loved,
Ladies of Grace Ministry Team